Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.; has studied computer science at the Vienna University of Technology in the years 1994-2000; doctoral studies in technical science in 2000-2002, has specialised himself in the fields of sociology of technology, technology assessment and self-organisation; lecturer and research associate at the Institute of Design and Technology Assessment at the Vienna University of Technoloy; current research project: Human Strategies in Complexity;
Publications: Crisis and Criticism in the Information Society (2002, in German: Krise und Kritik in der Informationsgesellschaft); Social Self-Organisation in Information-Societal Capitalism (2001, German title: Soziale Selbstorganisation im informationsgesellschaftlichen Kapitalismus); co-editor of Stufen zur Informationsgesellschaft. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski (with Christiane Floyd and Wolfgang Hofkirchner)